The Lords - Gipsy Boy / Coco-Cat-Love (7", Single, Mono)

Vinyl Schallplatten Ankauf - Verkauf

Cat #:
C 23536, C 23 536, 45-DW 6582
Vinyl ( 7" , 45 RPM , Single , Mono )
Pop Rock,Beat


Media Condition: Very Good (VG)
Sleeve Condition: Good Plus (G+)


Gipsy Boy 
1:54 Min
2:23 Min

Kommentare [?]

woc, wol


Catalogue number C 23536 appears on front cover, the one with an extra space C 23 536 on back cover and centre labels, 45-DW 6582 only on centre labels.
"2. Preis des Split-Festivals-Of-Light-Music 1967" in parentheses after the track A title should have explained that the song won the second prise at the International Pop Festival, Split 1967 - pop(ular) music in Yugoslavia has been colloquially called "glazba lakih nota" = "light-weight notes music" or "laka glazba" = "light weight music" at that time (later almost exclusively: "zabavna muzika" = "entertaining music"). The same year The Lords rerecorded this song in stereo and released in the UK as the flip-side of the single "Gloryland". In March 1968 Jugoton issued a festival EP compilation "Melodije Jadrana Split 67" with the original mono version together with the other three songs of the most successful foreign participants, mentioning the alternative, Serbo-Croatian version original title "Nevera". ("Nevera" has been performed by the ad-hoc duo Beti Jurković and Đorđi Peruzović but never released on record.)
Track B has been performed at the same festival, also in an original Serbo-Croatian alternation titled "Riđe kose" by Zafir Hadžimanov and released on an EP with songs from this festival (Melodije Jadrana Split 67, ploča 1). "Pjesmica" (= Little Song) in parentheses after the track title on centre label is neither the original title nor a credit, simply a misprint.


  • Columbia

Artist s

  • Lords, The
  • Wolfgang Hirschmann
  • Rainer Petry

Barcode s

  • 7 XCR 1760 - Matrix / Runout
  • 7 XCR 1759 - Matrix / Runout
  • 7XCR 1760-1 - Matrix / Runout
  • 7XCR 1759-1 - Matrix / Runout
  • GEMA - Rights Society

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